Impressions of Manuel Ott from his workcamp in Serbia this summer


The camp was a bicycle recycling project which was taking place
in the city park of Becej
a town of 26’000 inhabitants, 50km from Novi Sad, with accommodation in tents and with a garage equipped with kitchen stuff to serve as a kitchen.We took remnants of old bicycles which had been collected for our camp to be recycled. One day some local professional and amateur bike workers came with their tools and skills to help the camp and we managed to have enough complete bikes for all foreign volunteers for a common trip to the country side on Sunday… And the repaired bikes will be given to some low income inhabitants of Becej.The camp community consisted of about 20 people, half local
teenagers and half international volunteers (Britain, Denmark, Belgium,Spain, Bask country, Sicily, Bulgaria, Chech republic, Poland,
One of my little problems: Me, a well known chayny alkogolic, i was in 3 Supermarkets and could not find a single bag of black tea; Serbians only drink coffee, and I survived on some remnants of tea bags I happened to have brought with me from Hungary …There were 2 very beautiful and interesting excursions to river Tisa (gorgious nature) and the youth centre in the neighbouring town
Novi Becej.
Local volunteers took us to going out in the city where we met a lot of nice young people and were warmly and gorgiously accepted.The local authorities received us warmly and interested in the city parliament hall, which was quite motivating.There was another interesting excursion to a private rakia factory(allowed in Serbia, unlike in EU)

.One day some VCV contacts from Novi Sad brought 12
handicaped/challenged children (who normally have to spend all their
days with their mothers as there are still no public leisure or work
programmes for them in Serbia) to us to spend their day with us with
songs, games and other activities; this was the best and most useful day for all of us involved.
My impressions are mixed and colourful like Balkans and Vojvodina! 

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