Проекты в области культуры

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The 15th Language festival in Cheboksary

The 15th Language festival in Cheboksary started at October,15.  8 volunteers from different countries came to Sodrujestvo to present their languages. From the 15th to the 22th of October, during so called «language caravan», they visited with the presentations a lot of schools in Cheboksary and some other towns and villages in Chuvash Republic. Schoolchildren and teachers were very hospitable and in turn also prepared a performance of Сhuvash (and even somewhere of Tatar) culture. 23 and 24 of October the Festival itself took place in Chuvash State Pedagogical University. A lot of students, schoolkids and just people interested in different cultures, visited the Festival.
Thanks to all the volunteers who took part in this great project!
Sasha Ph., Sasha B., Katya, Basti, Maria, Dilan, Urkia, David, Marin, Massimo, S?kr?, Kristina, Irina, Masha Danilova, Lena Urina, Maria Romanova, Masha Kirillova, Anjelika, Olya Fomylina, Nikita, Dima Kochetkov, Dima Osh’epkov, Denis, Julia, Vera, Roma, Vanya, Anya and Olik and so on and so on 🙂

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3-6 июня 2010г. Молгород. Его ты не забудешь никогда.

Чебоксарский открытый молодёжный образовательный форум «МолГород» — ежегодный образовательный палаточный лагерь для активной, позитивной и талантливой молодёжи города Чебоксары, Чувашской Республики и регионов Поволжья.

Веб-сайт Молгорода:  http://2010.molgorod.info/

Мы были там! «Содружество» организовало образовательную площадку «Международные отношения», на которой состоялись встречи с иностранными гостями, уроки иностранных языков, игры на тему межкультурного общения.

В общем, провели время весело и с пользой!

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Communication Club in Cheboksary

Communicate! Be open! Be aware! Exchange ideas! And you will get to know more about the world, cultures and people!

Our long-term volunteer Hannah Semle from Germany successfully makes communication clubs in a schools, universities and in Sodrujestvo youth department in Cheboksary. If you’d like to join — contact us! You are very welcome!

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In search of the most precious gift for their friend Masha, our brave pioneers went to the fairy-tale. They met many fairy characters 🙂

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XIV Language festival in Cheboksary

17-18 of October Sodrujestvo took part in the 14th Language festival in Cheboksary. Sodrujestvo volunteers presented our organisation for schoolkids and students and worked in the coat check . Our german girls Hannah and Claudia presented their language. Thanks to everyone who took part in this event!!!


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Sodrujestvo in Youth Exchange in Slovenia!!

From 21 to 29 of September

group of six active Sodrujestvo members took part in

Youth Exchange “What kind of free time will you choose”

in Slovenia!!

more info: www.skis-zveza.si/exchange09/

personal thanx for this great experience to: Bostjan, Marko, Sasha, Ana, Klara, Ana, Ziva!.. And, of course, to all participants!


Russian Study Visit in Cheboksary

From 8-19th April 2009 there were a study visit to Russia for 20 representatives of SCI branches & groups in Europe.  

The overall aim of this European Youth Foundation (EYF) supported project, coordinated by SCI Germany, was to get better aquainted with the aims & work of the current seven Russian partners of SCI, evaluate previous exchanges and share ideas & visions for the future cooperation. 

A vital focus of the visit was peaceful conflict transformation, ways to promote human rights & how to foster active european citizenship by means of voluntary service.
from 11-15th of April three representatives from Germany and Ireland were in Cheboksary with Sodrujestvo!
they took part in our activities: 
-meeting with Sodrujestvo’s activists
-meeting with Leaders of Youth Organizations (local & country)
-meetings with students in Universities 
-visit to the National museum with orphanage children
-:):):)and just having fun!
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TEM in Germany

C 18 по 22 февраля состоялось (TEM — Тechnical Meeting) техническое собрание представителей SCI в Германии, организованный SCI-Germany. Партнера SCI в Чувашии — международный волонтёрский центр «Содружество» представляла Филиппова Александа.

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Путешествие в страну Новогодию!!! Fairy adventures in Newyearland!!!

25 декабря Содружевцы и содружевки превратились в сказочных героев и вместе с детьми из реабилитационного центра совершили путешествие в страну Новогодию 🙂

December, 25 volunteers from Sodrujestvo turned into fairy characters and together with the children from orphanage had adventures in Newyearland 🙂

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Сочинение «Право ребёнка на жизнь»

страница «права человека»
Сочинение Маркова Александра. 4 А класс Начальной школы №1 г. Чебоксары.

Право ребёнка на жизнь.

«Счастье — это когда есть мама и папа, дом, где тепло и уютно, когда не болеешь, когда есть друзья… Читать/смотреть далее